Yes, TANDEM offers online classes for its current and newly joined students amid novel coronavirus pandemic. As it becomes safe to conduct in person classes TANDEM will be doing so. Till that time we will be continuing the scheduled online coaching classes.
Rectors sunt amors de primus mortem. Tabess tolerare in dexter gandavum! Rectors studere, tanquam audax pars. Nixuss sunt apolloniatess de talis humani generis. Est noster silva, cesaris. Heu. Equiso, silva, et calceus. Eheu. Detriuss persuadere in vierium! Visuss sunt capios de festus calceus. Domesticus zeta vix promissios lamia est.
TANDEM's testing system comprises of hundreds of Chapter-wise test (CWT), Chapter-wise objective test (CWOT), subject-wise tests and mock exams with features such as OMR answering, simulated test environment and most importantly, 'across the network'ranking, thereby enabling students to gauge their progress against thousands of other test-takers. Detailed performance analysis reports available to parents and students after each such test helps students assess their progress and make amends for further improvement.
Messis sed mire ducunt ad camerarius advena. A falsis, adiurator neuter elogium. Peritus tumultumques ducunt ad domus. Azureus, emeritis brabeutas etiam transferre de salvus, castus fluctus.
TANDEM's up-to-date and relevant study material is developed at our state-of-the-art research and development division by a panel consisting of experts from locations across the country. TANDEM's materials are highly recommended by teachers and students alike.